
Wednesday 24 April 2024

Please Parliament! Make St. George’s Day our English National Holiday!

By Stanley Collymore

When you are very fortunate to be
born a truly genuine Englishman
you've actually won the lottery
of life, proclaims a regular commenter
in the Daily Mail rather exultantly as it
happens actually quite vaingloriously
and literally, egotistically utilizing the
pseudonym "Another Englishman" to
distinctly expound, his differentiation
not just simply from the wide melee
of those calling themselves Britons,
but actually of course, and crucially
also, specifically globally, everyone
else! And really don't the rest of us
and specifically conscientious and
discernibly undeniably quite moral
and very undoubtedly distinctively
hardworking Brits literally know it!

For basically in the case of odious
and obviously, rather highly toxic
scroungers specifically like this
"Another Englishman", it unquestionably
very assuredly means, getting massive
amounts essentially, of social security
payments, and regular dole handouts,
essentially for life; and most crucially,
for never working; and moreover, not
even having to generally submit, any
speciously lying and obviously lame
excuses for not doing so while also,
exponentially and rather facetiously
bragging about how literally great it
is to be actually this quite purebred
white Englishman or woman! Quite
attendant, all this of course, clearly
with the customary very expedient
contingency plan and the requisite
supplementary additions basically
of the usual plethora, of inherently
bastard children! Salutations then
all you so obviously conscionable
and hard-working British morons!
And unquestionably too our quite
enduring thanks and gratitude for
sustaining this super, status quo!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Symbols are important obviously where they're undoubtedly absolutely, crucially and naturally very important to people's own lives as well as actually discernibly their societal cohesion. But distinctively what's undoubtedly clearly, and actually more important and relevant in people's lives is what's naturally crucially in their hearts and minds and how they actually apply to characteristics to other people, outside their family members, evidently their friends and those that clearly look and think like them!  

Monday 22 April 2024

Never disrespect the flag of another people, especially on their own land!

By Stanley Collymore 

The Palestinians quite evidently 
having had their country taken 
from them and clearly to this 
actual day still barbarically subjected to 
continuous, crucially despairing acts of 
genocide, are undoubtedly, specifically 
not allowed to develop, a stable state; 
haven't actually, got a regular army to 
literally defend themselves, nor quite 
obviously would they normally, really 
ever be basically actually allowed by 
the powerful, Western Collaborators 
fully in league with their oppressors 
to have one; and evilly, malevolently 
and purposely very egregiously add 
to their undeniably quite discernibly 
and really depressingly, debilitating 
woes find themselves likewise and 
simply odiously, plus rather wilfully 
distinctively evilly, very deprived of 
basic essentials: actually like food 
and water, fuel and medicines too! 

Yes, and quite understandably so, 
the Palestinians are discernibly 
horrifically traumatized and, 
as a consequence of this rather simply 
do commit desperate acts of violence 
in retaliation! But then, so would both
you and I quite unquestionably under 
these clearly precise circumstances 
And actually, having toxic criticisms 
of the Palestinians quite recurrently 
emanating from their evil, genocide 
killers who're themselves staunchly 
ingrained; undeniably compulsively 
nefariously hardcore; distinctly vile 
and simply avariciously mercenary 
past masters at distinctively being 
perennial victims, while rather ably 
assisted, in this undeniably selfish 
enterprise by their unquestionably 
self-serving supporters irrefutably  
speak volumes, about what these 
Palestinians are evilly undergoing. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
22 April 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Simply couldn't have happened to a nicer genocidal occupier!  

Your obsession with Meghan is seriously concerning, Amanda Platell!

By Stanley Collymore 

It's not as if the Daily Mail hires
you for your purportedly quite
outstanding talent Amanda
Platell! Clearly very unquestionably to
anyone, with the merest modicum of
intelligence, or basic commonsense
it's basically apparent that you have
none of these! However, you simply
do have one quite specifically toxic
and undoubtedly verminous ability;
simply inured racism, that through
the Daily Mail's obviously pathetic
and undeniably literally obsessive
compulsion, with rather rightwing
and likewise quite racist clickbait
financial earnings, your obviously
very specific penchant in the one
and crucially, discernible interest
in the other: quite simply, literally
making money very undoubtedly
so at any cost, these two clearly
quite aforementioned, obviously
human deficiencies do basically
actually make you Amanda, just
like the very classic Useful Idiot
that you quite self-evidently are,
crucial to current requirements!

Other than that Amanda Platell,
you're actually like the classic
stupid Stockholm syndrome
aficionado, asininely deluding yourself
that you're truly, indispensable to your
controller, when obviously in actuality
you're not but quite undeniably much
too stupid to realize, let alone clearly
accept, that you're discernibly, being
cynically used! But then, really show
me a rather delusional, Terra nullius
genocidal Australian man or clearly
his Sheila sycophant woman who's
not your vile simpleton, equivalent! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
21 April 2024. 

Author's Remarks: 
I simply don't actually quite understand why people actually care so much. How basically empty must someone's life be that this is discernibly what essentially effectively undoubtedly consumes their thoughts on a daily basis. 

You could alternatively be literally doing something very distinctively productive, with your lives; but no! Instead you very evidently, basically, and most fatuously choose to indefinitely get actually angry about what a totally, complete stranger: Meghan Markle -- to all of you, who you have never met, most unlikely will really ever do so, and simply doesn't actually interact with, calls herself! And your sort simply see yourselves as the unquestionably crucially prime and even discernibly inalienable specimens of humanity's Master Race. And clearly Barbados has some rather beautiful ski slopes I can lease to you at a distinctly affordable price! Interested? Lol! 

Incidentally, you Amanda Platell and the other haters of Meghan might have noticed if your collective intellectual acumen stretch that far, that quite invariably when I write about Meghan I don’t use any titles pertaining to her and likewise often only use her name Meghan; but everyone knows who I’m referring to, and that’s the very same situation pertaining to her globally. So what you dim-witted morons are simply dpoing in your inured stupidity is to give her the actual publicity that you claim she’s after. And whether or not Meghan and Harry have titles, everybody knows who they are. Can the same be said about you Amanda Platell, Maureen Callaghan and the other Karen scum and Gammons who need to use her frequently even in stories that are not in the least bit relevant to her in order to get the recognition you need directly through your asinine and thoroughly fatuous virtue signalling! 

So prove me wrong Amanda Platell or Maureen Callaghan, write a story about any other subject matter that you care to except Meghan – just for once – and see how many clicks you get. Go on, do it! But you won’t will you; as financially it’s Meghan and your insane obsession with her that pays your wages!  As we say in Barbados: “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!”

Adam Thomas - Actually the typical Reform Party voter and avid Brexiteer. Lol!

By Stanley Collymore 

Adam Thomas: quite self-evidently
not among the obvious sharpest
implements in the cutlery box
is psychopathically an ardently avowed
convicted and very crucially jailed Nazi
aficionado that with the clear approval
of the parole board which distinctively
in spite of its clearly, generally agreed
conclusion wasn't actually convinced
that Adam Thomas is undoubtedly or
even actually significantly a changed
person character-wise, in spite of his
incarceration in jail, and quite simply
really, still has no remorse or regrets
for his actions, that rather irrefutably
landed him unquestionably in jail, is
nevertheless actually about to have    
a distinctly fortuitous, early release.

Adam Thomas' repugnant offence
is, that he has very categorically
in conjunction with his clearly
sick an simply discernibly, racist views
has quite unequivocally expressed the
rather odiously evil opinion of his that
he'll undoubtedly have not the merest
compunction whatsoever, in basically
very arbitrarily, and rather specifically
quite brutally, distinctively murdering
a distinctly, completely innocent and
mixed race child actually because of
his naturally vile, racist assumptions.
A quite psychologically evil and sick
man, Adam Thomas! But manifestly
nevertheless simply has his legions
of admirers, who just as discernibly
sick and clearly perverted as Adam
undoubtedly is simplicitically claim
that evidently, he should never ever
have been charged, and much less
so, be then convicted in court, and
afterwards jailed, for what he said!

Castigatorily as well as delusionally
rather openly and very fatuously
claiming that Adam Thomas'
words and actions crucially constituted
both freedom of thought, and similarly
too, lawful expression. But no need to
speculate or, even pointlessly, simply    
ask what their very natural response
would be if obviously themselves, or
a close family member, were simply
the target, of a crucially likeminded,
clearly demented racist, in reverse!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Before I actually embark on publishing anything I always as, a strict matter of course, either carry out or else embark on confirming for my own benefit facts that I'm already fully cognizant of. And specifically for this poem I've precisely done just that!

I've known for some considerable time now, from early childhood, as crucially very much a matter of fact that nobody has assigned to themselves the unique gift or right to determine who their own parents will be, what sex they'll be, what their date of birth quite unquestionably will be, or just as significantly as all the other imponderables, what distinctively will be their determined race. And if you say otherwise you're either sitting quite literally on a distinctly massive financial goldmine and very obviously don't know it, or else are in dire need of very clearly thorough psychiatric help!

Furthermore, when conception actually occurs it's effectively a lottery; and had your actual biological father, assuming obviously that in absolutely bastardized Britain you even know who he evidently is without assistance occasionally from TV programmes undoubtedly like: Long Lost Families, quite essentially shot his load of spunk, unquestionably into your biological mother crucially undoubtedly at any other time than when that actual occurrence of his did happen - it clearly doesn't matter, whether the time frame was seconds, minutes, hours or clearly days prior to or subsequent to when he actually did so, that conception literally wouldn't have been you! So don't avidly stupidly believe outside of your actually and evidently delusional world basically attendant with your very grotesque and astonishingly asinine perception of very obviously what you egotistically, simply perceive yourself to be, that discernibly and undoubtedly what you and likewise what you personally regard as evidently important constitute the actual epitome of the universe. They don't! And actually the same goes for Idiots like yourself!  

There's happily, and quite essentially, an age old Barbadian saying that distinctly effectively and rather categorically also states that "Self-praise is no praise" and discernibly is a credo that's distinctively undoubtedly inducted into the minds of young Bajans from very early childhood earnestly expecting us to quite carefully adhere to its associated tenets actually throughout our lives; and it works quite remarkably and has effectively naturally done so with myself! And that concept, itself coupled with the wise words quite crucially and evidently very obviously of Dr. Martin Luther king, who emphasized that it should be the character and also quite naturally the inherent abilities of a person that matter and undoubtedly not the colour of their skin, are significantly specific characteristics that I've simply and unequivocally always fashioned my own life around. And most thankfully so unquestionably to all those distinctively remarkable mentors In my own life!

Thankfully and quite fortunately as well we live in a modern world rather clearly replete with the benefits of DNA literally quite capable of debunking all the evilly vile and odious myths rather pertaining to race - and by that I really mean white Caucasian supposedly - superiority. Still nevertheless there are those, who really would very much like to turn the clocks back that ignorantly endorsed their own racial and racist prejudices or obviously given the chance, permanently damage the DNA clock altogether. Sorry to quite evidently destroy your illusions but very efficaciously the DNA genie is crucially obviously out of the bottle now.      
Some of you old enough to remember I evidently am most certain will actually remember the BBC TV programme that went by the title: Who do you think you are? Having one's DNA test on the then contestants was compulsory. Evidently significantly all the contestants were in essence white, and came on the actual programme on the clearly indisputable premise in their racist minds, that they were all of them indisputably pristinely white Caucasian! What an undoubtedly obvious shock for them! As it basically turned out evidently unquestionably in Carol Thatcher's case - the daughter in effect of the racist, white supremacist and distinctly staunch apartheid South Africa supporter and crucially financial beneficiary, plus similarly British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher - that Carol undoubtedly, basically has vastly more ARABIC biological elements in her DNA analysis than white Caucasian ones.

At the actual time of the certification of Carol's DNA results, her sibling brother, Mark was actually very widely reported as being lost on some motor rally trip in one of the Arabian deserts and crucially as Maggie's favourite offspring Maggie was very worried, in a way she wouldn't have been over Carol who she basically didn't have any close relationship with, over Mark's safety; only to be obviously reassuringly reminded in typical British humour that she shouldn't worry herself so much, as Mark was probably simply taking some time off to visit, as he was evidently in the region, his undoubtedly ARABIC relatives!

Oh the discernibly so-called British! God must either have literally had an off-day when he created them or having a really indulging in a pretty winsome joke! But, whatever, to unquestionably discernibly and obviously have lunatics threatening openly to undoubtedly murder unknown innocent babies and clearly attendantly so, discernibly young children of mixed race origins, who are specifically Black, as they don't meet or will ever basically qualify for his imprimatur of what does constitute a cardinal element of his vile version of a supposedly master race is unquestionably beyond the pale. And to compound such fatuously toxic, and as well verminous insanity with supporters of Adam Thomas naturally both lauding and being distinctively supportive of his remarks as crucially freedom of speech and also expressive action; specifically and undeniably sums them up for what they undoubtedly are! Lowlife scum!

Summing up on this total misuse of human space Adam Thomas, is he now going to kill his own offspring – assuming the child is actually biologically his as empirical data quite often shows that these narcissistic types are usually azoospermiac and don’t know it, or if they do they pretend otherwise – as it’s patently obvious from the photographs of his girlfriend and the child’s biological mother that she is undoubtedly of mixed-race, even if she doesn’t want to admit it herself. And as icing of this specific cake is Adam Thomas going to have DNA tests on himself or is he mightily afraid of what he might find out; and that like Carol Thatcher he’s not the rather unequivocally and undeniably white Caucasian, Master Race specimen of humanity that he obviously regards himself to be?  

Sunday 21 April 2024

Just let it go! We all deal with family bereavement; it's quite commonplace!

By Stanley Collymore 

You actually need to move on and 
stop being maudlin. Bringing
this woman's name up
every simply contrived opportunity isn't
going to save the British monarchy, as
it's finally been actually, quite publicly
rumbled for what it undoubtedly is; a
feudal mafia that's really ensconced
in the 21st Century. And very simply
as for Liz Windsor herself she quite
personally and evidently effectively
generally and crucially persistently
interfered - so much for this rather
supposedly crucially very vaunted
non political monarchy - in clearly
over 1000 laws to basically make
absolutely sure that she naturally
had exemptions during her entire
reign, for the exclusive benefit of
herself, her family members and
their individual as well as simply
collective, huge financial affairs!

Liz also had herself and her entire
family and their households fully
exempted also from the British
Race Relations Act in 1965, an odiously
very heinous, state of affairs that's still
prevalent to this actual day, and hence
their rather discernibly all-white, white
supremacist and quite indelibly racist
employees. So don't try, to really feed
me shit about these people, and also
ardently attempt to literally persuade
me that it's chocolate as it just won't
work. British I was clearly enforcedly
born but I'm simply no serf, plebeian
or gullible sycophant quite distinctly
where these grifters, are concerned!
And from my very unapologetic and
actually personal perspective Lizzie
Windsor was obviously a real threat
to burgeoning meritocracy, crucially
sensibly, discernibly true equality of
opportunity and natural democracy!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Liz died much earlier than they announced her death, for sure! Furthermore, distinctly throughout her 70 year reign this laughably supposedly constitutional and distinctively as well unquestionably apolitical monarch, purposely and rather pro-actively interfered in significantly well over 1000 pieces of UK parliamentary legislation to discernibly her own, as well as her family's quite evidently and obviously undoubted benefit. Literally no thoughts or concern for the interests of the crucially serfs, plebs and subjects who effectively kept her in the rather grandiose manner to which she'd essentially become generally accustomed to, and undoubtedly felt was her entitlement! Rather consistent interference politically and financially that evidently over those 70 years quite clearly meant in excess of 14 interventions every  year; and it's not rocket science to actually ascertain that there are simply 12 months in each year. So Liz clearly was a distinctly  self-serving, busy girl!

As for all those actually white KKK - esque employees across the palace and likewise monarchical family spectra and clearly still toxically infest the same today, discernibly having Harry marry Meghan was evidently always going to be a very serious problem for them from their racist perspective, and while they could with equanimity, naturally accept a white stalking gold digger as the ancillary choice of William, who was quite pointedly, discernibly turned down by two previous women he'd asked to marry him; at least his surrogate Kate was white and didn't like Harry's choice obviously blemish the simply, crucially all-white perception of the UK "Royal Family". In essence, the very toxically verminous scum that provide the right-wing and racist media with quite self-evidently their daily anti-Meghan fix! Lol!

Friday 19 April 2024

A highly implausible alibi Nathan Cofnas for one's own inherent inferiority!

By Stanley Collymore

Yours is an utterly stupid premise,
Nathan Cofnas, that significantly
very evidently appeals to white
racists and pathetic white supremacists
like yourself, as well as basically Useful
Idiot non-whites who obviously can't, or
just simply, undoubtedly won't think for
themselves, and rather unquestionably
like the undeniably actually perennially
battered wife or girlfriend, who literally
fatuously sticks with a brutal husband
or lover; and doing so unquestioningly,
because she truly has no self-respect
and therefore, simply kids herself that
this barbaric brute that quite routinely
knocks her about actually very simply
does effectively undoubtedly love her.
So unquestionably i can categorically
distinctively state that you're actually
quite asininely wrong Nathan Cofnas
and am myself, literally proof of that!

Given the same equal opportunities
there's little difference, if any at all,
between the average members of
rather obviously recognizable ethnicities,
and which specifically naturally includes
white Caucasians, as quite undoubtedly
exemplified by the various nationalities
of discernibly intelligent entrepreneurs,
professors, writers and rather crucially
and also distinctively, naturally others!
And quite seriously if whites are really
so obviously superior in all effectively
significantly important aspects in life,
how come then, that they still literally
as a race, simply undeniably produce
intellectually challenged and actually
discernibly village idiot children, who
are unquestionably white Caucasian.

No actually sensible and intelligent
person cannot or should not really
compare people, that actually too
often rather enforcedly have different or
no access whatever, to any educational
or meritocratic experience distinctively
discernibly, actually relative to the rest
of the world, through basically diverse
and also, equitable mediums! Sounds
to me that your utterly braindead and
very pathetic assumptions, as they're
essentially not factual Ashkenazi Yid
Nathan Cofnas, obviously stem from
your ethnic lot's generally egotistical
and simply repugnantly exaggerated
view of your own clearly narcissistic,
delusional and ingrained superiority!
And crucially, the world undoubtedly
knows where that previously, simply
but very regrettably, not as was fully
planned and very self-evidently with
toxic Untermenschen scum like you
Nathan Cofnas, literally still around!
However, naturally clearly hopefully,
in my estimation a much more truly
successful, and perfect eradication
outcome will be attained next time!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
George Windsor, who is only 10 years old and not even in secondary school yet and of course with basically not even the most unquestionably, significantly and evidently discernibly monarchical serf, plebeian and sycophant and unable to say with any truly exact certainty how he will simply turn out as a "scholar", despite his expensively paid for education, far less so as to what actual kind of human being he will finally emerge as, will nevertheless regardless of ether of these outcomes undoubtedly become like his dad a billionaire who didn't work for a solitary penny of what will be obviously in store for him, coupled as in William's own case with the benefits of the still distinctly in place feudal bona vacantia system. No achievements required, just simply a case of whose fanny you obviously came out of and simply who as the putative male shot his load there to cause that conception.

Self-evidently to purblind and undoubtedly racist cunts, like Nathan Cofnas, that is no problem at all as George who even now as a minor is living in resplendent luxury, and evidently so at the taxpayers’ expense, just as he will unquestionably, literally continue to do so if the British monarchy Carrie's on is white, and as such his capabilities or, in essence, any lack of them don't matter nor should they; any more than his discernibly lack of abilities should preclude him from ever becoming Head of State.

Something that the average Briton and, as such very certainly no BLACK one, simply cannot aspire to being; however extraordinarily talented or distinctively capable they essentially are! And Britain is rather laughably, actually supposed to be an irrefutable member country, presumably ensconced within a meritocratic, obviously democratic and clearly, also, a veritably technological 21st Century; well past the days distinctly of ignorant feudalism! Or is it Nathan Cofnas; yourself very much part of a distinctly an incestuously inbred Klan of perennial complainers!

Thursday 18 April 2024

Paul Hollywood - the recipient of a British national, colonialist award for services to Himself!

By Stanley Collymore

Even if the MBE actually meant
anything which, on a practical
level, I quite personally don't
think it does, as Britain, in case those
handing out these evidently basically
pointless gongs, as well as the really
deluded recipients, basically proudly
and vaingloriously, happily receiving
them, don't appear to simply realize,
no longer has an empire, and that is
specifically therefore what the MBE
is obviously all about: a Member of
the British Empire, and rather in my
point of view, is clearly tantamount
to Italy quite farcically handing out
similar type gongs, on behalf of an
essentially defunct Roman Empire,
which is precisely, what the former
British Empire likewise, actually is!

And to actually add insult in this
very recent British example of
handing out this clearly very
preposterous MBE to a man discernibly
distinctly hosting a basically fading TV
programme and for which, specifically
as its actual presenter, he is distinctly
well paid is not only naturally farcical
but actually clearly demented. Surely
there are unquestionably, thoroughly
commendable and quite discernibly
so, several altruistically meritorious
candidates, effectively undoubtedly
across Britain who simply glaringly
significantly; basically distinctively
and undeniably obviously crucially
clearly very ostensibly deservingly
rather literally, naturally irrefutably
qualified and characteristically so
clearly demonstrably distinctively
from basically every societal and
state perspective; quite evidently
comprehensely undeniably meet
the specific criteria indefatigably
required in all naturally authentic
regards, but are very deliberately
basically withheld for effectively
class inured, and elitist reasons!

Implaccaby a deeply entrenched
class structured society which
even the quite hard done by
and knowingly so thoroughly despised
by their actually perceived as societal
elite betters it's really a cultural state
of affairs, which the vast majority of
quite intensely, simply brainwashed
British plebeians clearly undeniably
accept with their actual, customary
equanimity and to such a basically
obvious distinctly ludicrous extent
that very obviously too even when
their Lords and masters quite feel
effectively disposed to be fittingly
patronizing to them or discernibly
specifically recourse, subjectively
to clearly doing a quite necessary
bout of essential virtue signalling
to thus aptly conceal an episodic
factor of their distimctly dubious,
private lives, or criminal financial
affairs which clearly are crucially
hugely embarrassing and simply
consequently naturally plunge to
the level of covering these up by
significantly dishing out suitable
gongs, it's too a recognized fact
that while close associates and
friends will surely automatically
get their promised, Damehoods
and Lordships the plebeian and
serfs kind, will automatically be
restricted to the very basement
bargain insignias obviously like
the MBE that nevertheless they
will clearly rather optimistically
accept with untrammelled glee.

Meanwhile, evidently disgracefully
and very deliberately overlooked
quite effectively, not worthy of
even a solitary rudimentary recognition
for their invaluable work and obviously
very unstinting services to their fellow
human beings if those that irrefutably
have both the responsibility, and also
the additional authority of not simply
only recommending but handing out
also these naturally virtue signalling
gongs, simply cared to look; people,
for example, who at quite great risk
to themselves generally and simply
their own lives specifically, actually
voluntarily very significantly clearly
and quite bravely obviously go into
war zones to undeniably mercifully
unquestionably help, those literally
innocent civilians there but are the
obvious people who really have no
say, or would they ever be listened
to by the political, or the other sick
and clearly specific progenitors of
these absolutely, quite specifically
useless gongs; and distinctly also
those evil toxically warmongering
political rulers, who self-servingly,
hand them out generously to very
sycophantic, and obviously rather
undeserving recipients. A fittingly
rewarding gong then for basically
doing one's work, and too getting
remarkably well paid, for doing it!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
In the quite indisputable words of George Bernard Shaw, and I quote him verbatim: "Titles [simply] distinguish the mediocre, embarrass the superior; and are disgraced by the inferior!"